On (28/11/16 12:39), Giulio Casella wrote:
>I have a setup with two ipa server in replica, based on CentOS 7.
>On one server (since a couple of days) ipa cannot start, the failing service
>is dirsrv@<REALM-NAME>.service.
>In journal I have:
>ns-slapd[4617]: segfault at 7fb53b1ce515 ip 00007fb50126e1a6sp
>00007ffc0b80d6c8 error 4 in libc-2.17.so[7fb501124000+1b7000]
>(just after a lot of SSL alerts complaining about some enabled cypher suite,
>but I cannot say if this could be related).
>I'm using ipa 4.2.0, and 389-ds-base 1.3.4.
It would be good to know the exact version.
rpm -q 389-ds-base

Please provide backtrace or coredump; other developers will know
wheter it's know bug or a new bug.



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