As I was configuring my network with a government STIG package, I ended up hosing up the network by following the STIGs directions and not thinking it through. Currently users can log in, but NFS mounts won't happen with krb5i encryption as they are being denied by the server who is my NFS host. I really like things nice and neat, so after fumbling around in my inexperienced haze, I feel now is the time to reload. I would like to keep my users home dirs intact, as I sure they would as well.

I'm assuming that the process is as follows and would like any pointers or tips from those in the know.

1. remove clients from Domain using ipa-client-automount --uninstall and then ipa-client-install --uninstall.

2. On the server, ipa-client-automount --uninstall and then yum remove ipa-*

Are there anything else that should be completed before a reinstallation?

I'm guessing I'll have to set up users again, but the data they have on the clients should be fine if I keep the same usernames, right?

Is there anyway of keeping the users passwords from the old installation and moving them to the new? I'm trying to avoid as much grumbling as possible.



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