Any systemd experts that can help in figuring out what's going on here ?

Here's a shortened log up to that error if it makes it more convenient:

On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 8:40 PM, Prasun Gera <> wrote:

> I now have a detailed debug log for this failed boot which I've attached
> with the mail. The issue seems to be specific to this system. The replica
> was updated to 7.3 too, and it works fine. I've zipped the log because it's
> quite big. The original workaround still holds true. i.e. I boot in rescue
> mode, start sssd, and then call isolate which makes
> everything work normally. With the graphical target as default, the system
> doesn't boot. Somehow sssd is involved in the mix.
> Can someone please have a look at the log ?
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 12:53 PM, Prasun Gera <>
> wrote:
>> Yes, from my experiments, it gets stuck at some point where it has to
>> start avahi. And it fails to start it because it is dependent on something
>> that is not started yet (which is started when sssd is started). Googling
>> for that error pointed took me to
>> /boards/15/topics/26673, which seems to be somewhat related I
>> think. I'll post the journal messages soon. Is there some sort of a systemd
>> diff utility which can compare the start sequence of services from two
>> different systems ? Since my replica is on 7.2, which afaik works fine,
>> doing a diff between the two might highlight if something has changed in
>> the start sequence.
>> On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 12:35 PM, Petr Vobornik <>
>> wrote:
>>> On 11/09/2016 12:53 PM, Prasun Gera wrote:
>>> > It looks like something is messed up in the systemd configuration
>>> after 7.3. My
>>> > system doesn't boot at all. The boot screen would display the message:
>>> "Failed
>>> > to register match for Disconnected message: Connection timed out".
>>> After some
>>> > trial and error, I've managed to boot it. Here's what works right now:
>>> 1) Boot
>>> > into system rescue target with debug shell 2) start sssd 3) isolate
>>> >
>>> > I have a replica which I haven't upgraded to 7.3 yet. So I can compare
>>> the two
>>> > systems to isolate the problem.
>>> >
>>> I'm afraid that without more info(messages/journal) nobody will be able
>>> to help.
>>> But based on the description it seems that it didn't even get to step
>>> where IPA is started.
>>> --
>>> Petr Vobornik
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