On su, 12 maalis 2017, Robert Johnson wrote:
On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 1:16 AM, Alexander Bokovoy <aboko...@redhat.com>

On to, 09 maalis 2017, Robert Johnson wrote:

On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 4:06 PM, Alexander Bokovoy <aboko...@redhat.com>

On to, 09 maalis 2017, Robert Johnson wrote:


I am running into an odd issue haven't been able to find any information
through searching on this issue online.

Environment: We are currently have a IPA master running
ipa-server-4.4.0-14.el7_3.4.x86_64 on a RHEL 7.3 server.  We have a mix
RHEL 6.8, RHEL 7.x and Solaris 10 clients. We also have a one way trust
a windows domain.  Compatibility mode is enabled.

The issue I'm seeing is that when I delete an IPA domain user through
web gui, the user account doesn't appear to be removed completely from
system.  I verified via "ipa user-find" that the user is no longer in
system.  I also checked via "ldapsearch" that the user account doesn't
exist in the "accounts" container.  However, when I look in the "users,
compat" container, that user still exists.

This is causing problems with my Solaris clients since they are pointing
the compat tree so that we can login with the windows accounts on those
servers.  The Solaris client is still seeing the account as being valid
is asking the user for a password on login which fails because the
doesn't exist in the IPA domain anymore.

Do I need to remove the account from the ldap compat container manually
is the IPA user delete command (through the gui and/or command line)
suppose to take care of this ?  Or is there is some sort of clean up
process that I have to wait for to occur before this account gets
from that container ?  If so, what is the time frame ?

Compat tree is automatically generated. It also tracks existing objects,
so any time the object is removed from the primary tree, it should be
cleared from the compat tree as well.

If you can reliably demonstrate the problem using
http://www.freeipa.org/page/Demo (it has compat tree enabled), then feel
free to open a bug.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

So after doing some more digging using ldapsearch, I discovered some "odd"
entries.  It appears that all my IPA users appear to have duplicate
under the compat tree. So on a hunch I deleted another IPA user and one of
the two entries disappeared from the container.  I tried to use ldapdelete
(and ldapmodify) to remove the "ghost" entry using the DN I found from the
search and I get a "object not found" and then it says that it matched the
base tree.  If I dump the whole compat tree out to a file, the ghost
objects look to be exact duplicates of the original entries (minus the
which is different).  I can't seem to find a way to remove them.

Any ideas ?

Demonstrate your problem using the FreeIPA demo instance, please.

Compat tree is not writable, thus you cannot delete anything from it
directly. You only can delete the original entry to cause removal of a
compat entry.

Show how it is not removed with step by step ldapsearch/ipa CLI
operations against our demo instance, please.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

Ok, I believe I have been able to reproduce the problem.
1) Before I created the new user, I verified by using the ldapsearch
command on the compat tree that the user I was going to create didn't exist:
ldapsearch -b "cn=compat,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org" -h
ipa.demo1.freeipa.org -s sub "(&(objectclass=*)(uid=123456))"
Returns nothing
ldapsearch -b "cn=accounts,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org" -h
ipa.demo1.freeipa.org -s sub "(&(objectclass=*)(uid=123456))"
Returns nothing
Note: I also tried just dumping all the user objects to a file and made
sure it wasn't there.

2) Next, I login to the webui and then create the new user.
userlogin: 123456
First Name: Test
Last Name: User
and then a password.

3) Next I verified that the account was showing up in the compat tree:
ldapsearch -b "cn=compat,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org" -h
ipa.demo1.freeipa.org -s sub "(&(objectclass=*)(uid=123456))"
version: 1
dn: uid=123456,cn=users,cn=compat,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: ipaOverrideTarget
objectClass: top
gecos: Test User
cn: Test User
uidNumber: 1120000053
gidNumber: 1120000053
loginShell: /bin/sh
homeDirectory: /home/123456
uid: 123456

4) I delete the same user account via the webgui (full delete).

5) I then check the compat tree again and here is the result:
ldapsearch -b "cn=compat,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org" -h
ipa.demo1.freeipa.org -s sub "(&(objectclass=*)(uid=123456))"
version: 1
dn: uid=123456,cn=users,cn=compat,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: ipaOverrideTarget
objectClass: top
gecos: Test User
cn: Test User
uidNumber: 1120000053
gidNumber: 1120000053
loginShell: /bin/sh
homeDirectory: /home/123456
uid: 123456

The user account is still there.
Thanks, this is helpful.
Now what is really weird is that if I recreate the user 123456 through the
webgui and perform the ldapsearch, I see two entries.  If I delete the
user, it removes one of the entries and leaves the shadow one above.  I can
tell because the accounts look identical except for the ipaAnchorUUID
This is a bug then. Could you please file a ticket?

- This is a problem for our Solaris systems, as the ldap client is pointing
to the compat tree so when the accounts are still active in the ipa domain
(ie they are in the accounts tree) I am seeing 2 entries when using the
getent passwd command.  Needless to say the pam_ldap module doesn't like
the two entries.
No, this is a wrong setup. Either you are using compat tree and have your
base DN in pam_ldap config set to cn=compat,$SUFFIX, or you are using
primary tree and then set base dn to cn=accounts,$SUFFIX. You shouldn't
mix them in your configuration.

Compat tree is just that: a tree that returns data in a format
compatible with RFC2307 to clients that do not understand RFC2307bis. A
second use for the compat tree is to provide unified virtual tree for
clients that do not use SSSD so that both users from IPA and from
trusted Active Directory forests are accessible by such 'legacy'
clients. This second use case requires that you are using RFC2307 schema
in your client setup and that AD users are always fully qualified

So if you have configured your client to look at $SUFFIX, it is actually
expected that the client would see both entries (original one and the
one from the virtual tree) because that's how they were designed. Thus,
use a proper, narrow, base DN, like cn=accounts,$SUFFIX for the primary
IPA tree and cn=compat,$SUFFIX for the compat tree but never $SUFFIX.

SSSD clients handle this automatically. For IPA provider, SSSD
automatically sets search base to cn=accounts,$SUFFIX and uses
IPA-specific LDAP extended operation to query IPA servers for
information about users from Active Directory forests IPA domain trusts.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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