On Fri, Oct 27, 2006 at 02:39:12PM +0530, Sharad Chandra wrote:
| Hi,
| Is there any h/w requirement to run ipmi-locate..?
| if there is then give me specification.
| I have mother board of IBM : dmidecode
|         Manufacturer: IBM
|         Product Name: eserver xSeries 336 -[883715U]-
| and also IPMI installed 
| IPMI Device Information
|         Interface Type: KCS (Keyboard Control Style)
|         Specification Version: 1.5
|         I2C Slave Address: 0x10
|       NV Storage Device: Not Present
|         Base Address: 0x0000000000000CA8 (I/O)
| but ipmi-locate is giving output
| Probing SMIC device using SMBIOS... FAILED
| Probing BT device using SMBIOS... FAILED
| Probing SSIF device using SMBIOS... FAILED
| Probing KCS device using ACPI... FAILED
| Probing SMIC device using ACPI... FAILED
| Probing BT device using ACPI... FAILED
| Probing SSIF device using ACPI... FAILED
| Probing KCS device using PCI... FAILED
| Probing SMIC device using PCI... FAILED
| Probing BT device using PCI... FAILED
| Probing SSIF device using PCI... FAILED
| KCS device default values:
| IPMI Version: 1.5
| IPMI locate driver: DEFAULT
| IPMI locate driver: 0
| IPMI interface: KCS
| BMC I2C device: (null)
| BMC I/O base address: CA2
| Register space: 1
| SMIC device default values:
| IPMI Version: 1.5
| IPMI locate driver: DEFAULT
| IPMI locate driver: 0
| IPMI interface: SMIC
| BMC I2C device: (null)
| BMC I/O base address: CA9
| Register space: 1
| BT device default values:
| SSIF device default values:
| IPMI Version: 1.5
| IPMI locate driver: DEFAULT
| IPMI locate driver: 0
| IPMI interface: SSIF
| BMC I2C device: /dev/i2c-0
| BMC SMBUS slave address: 42
| Register space: 1
| Thanks
| Sharad Chandra

Current stable release is too old. 
Please use the CVS version. It will work.

Anand Babu 
GPG Key ID: 0x62E15A31
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