This release contains a potentially important change to ipmi-sensors
and ipmimonitoring that may affect some users outputs if they script
against ipmi-sensors or ipmimonitoring.

I was somewhat reluctant to change this in the 0.6.X line, wanting to
wait till 0.7.1 to have a more complete and correct solution in place,
but I think it's necessary at this point since a few motherboards have
popped up where this is a problem.

0.6.6 - 08/26/08
o Output NA/Unknown for non-BMC owned sensors in ipmi-sensors.
o Do not output readings for non-BMC owned sensors in ipmimonitoring.
o libfreeipmi/ipmi-chassis fix invalid console redirection input check.


Albert Chu
Computer Scientist
High Performance Systems Division
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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