
I am porting FreeIPMI 0.7.4 to OpenSolaris. I can compile/install. However, I have never worked with FreeIPMI before, and there doesn't seem to be any introductory documentation, is it? The problem is, how can I tell it is working?

What seems to be working is bmc-info and ipmiping:

> bmc-info
Device ID:         20
Device Revision:   0
                   [SDR Support]
Firmware Revision: 2.4
                   [Device Available (normal operation)]
IPMI Version:      2.0
Additional Device Support:
                   [Sensor Device]
                   [SDR Repository Device]
                   [SEL Device]
                   [FRU Inventory Device]
                   [IPMB Event Receiver]
                   [Chassis Device]
Manufacturer ID:   2Ah
Product ID:        9FFh
Channel Information:
       Channel No: 1
      Medium Type: 802.3 LAN
    Protocol Type: IPMB-1.0

bmc-config also does something - I can store some username/password and other values there and retrieve them (except the password) back.

bmc-config --checkout > bmc-config.dump
emacs bmc-config.dump
cat bmc-config.dump | bmc-config --commit

However, the purpose of this is unknown to me - I haven't figured any way how to successfully use these credentials.

My testing machine has a network interface latte2 and ethernet service processor interface latte2-sp. latte2 doesn't answer ipmiping. I have theory that this interface doesn't play any role in FreeIPMI, is that true?

latte2-sp answers ipmiping:

> ipmiping latte2-sp
ipmiping latte2-sp (
response received from rq_seq=40
response received from rq_seq=41
response received from rq_seq=42

Nothing else seems to be working, or at least I haven't guessed the correct combination of parameters. Say,
>  ipmipower -h latte2-sp -u <my_sp_user> -p <my_sp_password> --debug -s
latte2-sp: =====================================================
latte2-sp: IPMI 1.5 Get Channel Authentication Capabilities Request
latte2-sp: =====================================================
latte2-sp: RMCP Header:
latte2-sp: ------------
latte2-sp: [               6h] = version[ 8b]
latte2-sp: [               0h] = reserved[ 8b]
latte2-sp: [              FFh] = sequence_number[ 8b]
latte2-sp: [               7h] = message_class.class[ 5b]
latte2-sp: [               0h] = message_class.reserved[ 2b]
latte2-sp: [               0h] = message_class.ack[ 1b]
latte2-sp: IPMI Session Header:
latte2-sp: --------------------
latte2-sp: [               0h] = authentication_type[ 8b]
latte2-sp: [               0h] = session_sequence_number[32b]
latte2-sp: [               0h] = session_id[32b]
latte2-sp: [               9h] = ipmi_msg_len[ 8b]
latte2-sp: IPMI Message Header:
latte2-sp: --------------------
latte2-sp: [              20h] = rs_addr[ 8b]
latte2-sp: [               0h] = rs_lun[ 2b]
latte2-sp: [               6h] = net_fn[ 6b]
latte2-sp: [              C8h] = checksum1[ 8b]
latte2-sp: [              81h] = rq_addr[ 8b]
latte2-sp: [               0h] = rq_lun[ 2b]
latte2-sp: [              12h] = rq_seq[ 6b]
latte2-sp: IPMI Command Data:
latte2-sp: ------------------
latte2-sp: [              38h] = cmd[ 8b]
latte2-sp: [               Eh] = channel_number[ 4b]
latte2-sp: [               0h] = reserved1[ 4b]
latte2-sp: [               3h] = maximum_privilege_level[ 4b]
latte2-sp: [               0h] = reserved2[ 4b]
latte2-sp: IPMI Trailer:
latte2-sp: --------------
latte2-sp: [              EEh] = checksum2[ 8b]

Truss reveals that sendto(...) syscall fails with Err#124 EAFNOSUPPORT - as if some network protocol wasn't supported or what. But in ipmiping, sendto() passes OK. What could it be?



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