Hey Rob,

Thanks for the catch.  I didn't handle a new error code added in the
trunk/1.3.1 release.  I did a audit and fixed the issue everywhere in
FreeIPMI.  Fix will be in FreeIPMI 1.3.2.


On Wed, 2013-08-28 at 03:06 +0000, Rob Swindell wrote:
> The Free-IPMI ‘bmc-info’ command appears to now prematurely terminate
> with an error if the target BMC does not support the “Get Device GUID”
> command. This is new(ish) behavior. 
> Previous behavior:
> # bmc-info -V
> bmc-info - 1.1.5
> Copyright (C) 2003-2012 FreeIPMI Core Team
> This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms
> of
> the GNU General Public License.  This program has absolutely no
> warranty.
> # bmc-info -
> Device ID             : 1
> Device Revision       : 0
> Device SDRs           : unsupported
> Firmware Revision     : 3.00
> Device Available      : yes (normal operation)
> IPMI Version          : 2.0
> Sensor Device         : supported
> SDR Repository Device : supported
> SEL Device            : supported
> FRU Inventory Device  : unsupported
> IPMB Event Receiver   : unsupported
> IPMB Event Generator  : unsupported
> Bridge                : unsupported
> Chassis Device        : unsupported
> Manufacturer ID       : Broadcom Corporation (4413)
> Product ID            : 5725
> Auxiliary Firmware Revision Information : 0E000000h
> System Firmware Version       : V0.29
> System Name                   : xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Channel Information
> Channel Number       : 0
> Medium Type          : IPMB (I2C)
> Protocol Type        : IPMB-1.0
> Active Session Count : 0
> Session Support      : session-less
> Vendor ID            : Intelligent Platform Management Interface forum
> (7154)
> Channel Number       : 1
> Medium Type          : 802.3 LAN
> Protocol Type        : IPMB-1.0
> Active Session Count : 1
> Session Support      : multi-session
> Vendor ID            : Intelligent Platform Management Interface forum
> (7154)
> Channel Number       : 2
> Medium Type          : System Interface (KCS, SMIC, or BT)
> Protocol Type        : KCS
> Active Session Count : 0
> Session Support      : session-less
> Vendor ID            : Intelligent Platform Management Interface forum
> (7154)
> Channel Number       : 3
> Medium Type          : System Interface (KCS, SMIC, or BT)
> Protocol Type        : KCS
> Active Session Count : 0
> Session Support      : session-less
> Vendor ID            : Intelligent Platform Management Interface forum
> (7154)
> Current behavior:
> # bmc-info -V
> bmc-info - 1.4.0
> Copyright (C) 2003-2013 FreeIPMI Core Team
> This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms
> of
> the GNU General Public License.  This program has absolutely no
> warranty.
> # bmc-info
> Device ID             : 1
> Device Revision       : 0
> Device SDRs           : unsupported
> Firmware Revision     : 3.00
> Device Available      : yes (normal operation)
> IPMI Version          : 2.0
> Sensor Device         : supported
> SDR Repository Device : supported
> SEL Device            : supported
> FRU Inventory Device  : unsupported
> IPMB Event Receiver   : unsupported
> IPMB Event Generator  : unsupported
> Bridge                : unsupported
> Chassis Device        : unsupported
> Manufacturer ID       : Broadcom Corporation (4413)
> Product ID            : 5725
> Auxiliary Firmware Revision Information : 0E000000h
> ipmi_cmd_get_device_guid: command invalid or unsupported
> The “Get Device GUID” command is optional (Table 20-1 in IPMI v2.0)
> and not supported in all BMCs.
> -Rob
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Albert Chu
Computer Scientist
High Performance Systems Division
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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