"Liebig, Holger" <holger.lie...@ts.fujitsu.com> writes:

>> I realized that the system that caused the crash has 601 sensors; really.
>> Patch attached.
> [Liebig, Holger] 
> Out of curiosity: since the sensor number is limited to 8 bit are
> these 601 SDR grouped with satellite controllers or different LUN's?
> And models the SDR the complete SMP Box with all 4 nodes and one
> controller/BMC per node (dividing the 600 SDR to 150/BMC) or just a
> single node with this impressive SDR?
> Thanks,
> Holger

Sorry, I don't know enough about IPMI to answer, but I can provide data
if someone tells me how.  (Probably not before new year now.)

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