
We are currently trying to monitor the power supplies of a Supermicro X10DRI. I 
installed the freeipmi debian package 1.4.5-3 and run following command on the 
machine as root:

laeradr ~ # ipmi-oem supermicro get-power-supply-status 1
supermicro:get-power-supply-status failed: No error message found for command 
52h, network function 06h, and completion code 83h.  Please report to 

laeradr ~ # ipmi-oem supermicro get-power-supply-status 2
supermicro:get-power-supply-status failed: No error message found for command 
52h, network function 06h, and completion code 83h.  Please report to 

Has anybody some idea how to continue?

Thanks in advance,

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