Internally, bmc-config uses that number of users a motherboard supports
to determine what configurations specified by the user are legal or
illegal.  In your case, the 10 user motherboard will issue an error on
"User11" b/c it is illegal for that machine.

There isn't a flag to change this behavior at the moment.  I have
created an issue to investigate this as an option.

Most users of bmc-config have per-motherboard configurations, so this
use case isn't very common.  One idea: the sections in the config file
don't have to be in order.  User11-User16 could be at the end of the
file instead of earlier in the file.  If you had a conf file with only
user11-user16, this could be appended to the end of a "generic" conf


On Mon, 2017-01-30 at 14:03 -0800, VJ wrote:
> Hi,
> Some BMCs have 10 users, and the others might have 16, I order to have a
> generic bmc-config conf I would like to have more than 10 user section.
> But, when I use this config on bmc that have only 10 user capacity it gives
> an error saying : Unknown section `User11'
> Is there a flag to change it as warning so it works on both BMCs ( one with
> 10 and 16 user capacity ?) or Is that an IPMI specification?
> Thanks.
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Albert Chu
Computer Scientist
High Performance Systems Division
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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