Hello! I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but if
not, please let me know where I can direct my question.

I am currently using MAAS Version 1.9.5+bzr4599-0ubuntu1 with Ubuntu
14.04.5, with three nodes (all Dell PowerEdge R710). I am currently trying
to use IPMI version 2.0.

However, I am unable to power-up these nodes with IPMI, due to an error:
Failed to query node's BMC - Power state could not be queried:
connection timeout

In /var/log/maas/maas.log, an identical error message appears.

I have double checked the BMC configuration for these nodes, and they seem
to be correct (I can provide screenshots if necessary), however, I am still
unable to communicate with these servers using IPMI. (eg. ipmipower,
ipmiping, etc. all do not work.) and I am not sure what else I can do. If
anybody could help me or point me in the right direction, I would very much
appreciate it!

If there's any more useful information that I can provide, please let me
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