Hi Al,

thank you for the response!

Do you think that this problem is a flaw in the DCMI implementation of the
current motherboard firmware?
In this case, we could hope it is to be corrected in future versions.

Or is it rather a policy of the vendor? It seems so since they don’t
provide the raw command for PSU monitoring.
Are we to abandon plans for using freeipmi-based accounting in SLURM for
this cluster?


On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 10:37 PM, Albert Chu <ch...@llnl.gov> wrote:

> Hi Vladimir,
> > What could be the reason for this problem with FreeIPMI inability to
> > read power statistics?
> Internally, I don't know how Supermicro is obtaining the data they have
> in their output.  It would not be surprising if it were via an OEM
> specific extension.  It would also not be surprising the motherboard
> does not support as much DCMI as they advertise.
> I have seen some motherboards that allow some mechanisms (such as DCMI)
> via LAN but not via in-band.  Perhaps it would be worthwhile trying --
> get-system-power-statistics over LAN?
> Al
> On Tue, 2018-07-24 at 12:44 +0300, Vladimir Stegailov wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I have a question concerning FreeIPMI usage on the novel Supermicro
> > A+
> > Server 1023US-TR4 with two AMD Epyc CPUs.
> >
> > The BMC firmware of the corresponding H11DSU-iN motherboard has been
> > upgraded to the latest available version (1.30).
> >
> > The FreeIPMI test shows that the power monitoring is available:
> >
> > *host1:~ # ipmi-dcmi --get-dcmi-capability-info*
> > *DCMI Specification Conformance                     : 1.1*
> >
> > *Power Management / Monitoring Support              : Available*
> > *In-band System Interface Channel                   : Available*
> > *Serial TMODE                                       : Not present*
> > *Out-Of-Band Secondary LAN Channel                  : Not present*
> >
> > *Number of SEL entries                              : 512*
> > *Record Level SEL Flush upon Rollover               : Not present*
> > *Entire SEL Flush upon Rollover                     : Not present*
> > *SEL automatic rollover                             : Not present*
> > *DHCP Host Name                                     : Not present*
> > *Asset Tag                                          : Available*
> >
> > *Power Management Device Slave Address              : 10h*
> > *Power Management Controller Device Revision        : 1*
> > *Power Management Controller Channel Number         : 0*
> >
> > *Primary LAN Out-of-band Channel Number             : 1*
> > *Secondary LAN Out-of-band Channel Number           : Not supported*
> > *Serial Out-of-band TMODE Capability Channel Number : Not supported*
> >
> > *ipmi_cmd_dcmi_get_dcmi_capability_info_enhanced_system_power_statist
> > ics_attributes:
> > bad completion code*
> >
> > However it is not possible to get power statistics by a DCMI request
> > (it
> > stops with an error):
> >
> > *host1:~ # ipmi-dcmi --debug --get-system-power-statistic*
> > *=====================================================*
> > *Group Extension - Get Power Reading Request*
> > *=====================================================*
> > *[               2h] = cmd[ 8b]*
> > *[              DCh] = group_extension_identification[ 8b]*
> > *[               1h] = mode[ 8b]*
> > *[               0h] = mode_attributes[ 8b]*
> > *[               0h] = reserved[ 8b]*
> > *=====================================================*
> > *Group Extension - Get Power Reading Response*
> > *=====================================================*
> > *[               2h] = cmd[ 8b]*
> > *[              FFh] = comp_code[ 8b]*
> > *ipmi_cmd_dcmi_get_power_reading: bad completion code*
> >
> > At the same time, the Supermicro tool does show power statistics:
> >
> > *vvsteg@head-epyc:~/repos/SMCIPMITool_2.20.0_build.180525_bundleJRE_L
> > inux>
> > ./SMCIPMITool ipmi1 ADMIN ADMIN pminfo*
> > * [SlaveAddress = B0h] [Module 1]*
> > * Item                           |                          Value *
> > * ----                           |                          ----- *
> > * Status                         |                     ON (00 00) *
> > * Input Voltage                  |                       225.75 V *
> > * Input Current                  |                          0.8 A *
> > * Main Output Voltage            |                        12.16 V *
> > * Main Output Current            |                        13.82 A *
> > * Temperature 1                  |                        31C/88F *
> > * Temperature 2                  |                       38C/100F *
> > * Fan 1                          |                       2624 RPM *
> > * Fan 2                          |                          0 RPM *
> > * Main Output Power              |                          168 W *
> > * Input Power                    |                          176 W *
> > * PMBus Revision                 |                           0x22 *
> > * PWS Serial Number              |                P1K0ACH21AN0368 *
> > * PWS Module Number              |                   PWS-1K02A-1R *
> > * PWS Revision                   |                            1.2 *
> >
> > What could be the reason for this problem with FreeIPMI inability to
> > read
> > power statistics?
> > (Unfortunately, we are not able to get any help from Supermicro with
> > this
> > issue.)
> >
> > Thank you.
> >
> > Vlad
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> > Freeipmi-users mailing list
> > Freeipmi-users@gnu.org
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> --
> Albert Chu
> ch...@llnl.gov
> Computer Scientist
> High Performance Systems Division
> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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