At 07:52 PM 10/22/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>Not being a MySql guru, I figured I'd see if someone here had any thoughts
>to this issue.
>I'm developing freeradius with mysql support to replace our aging cistron
>radius, which is currently logging accounting data to flat files.
>Now I'm setting up freeradius with mysql support to handle my authentication
>and accounting, but the more I think about it, the sheer size of the radacct
>table gives me worries.
>Looking at my old accounting log files, I figure the radacct table would
>grow to about 25,000,000 rows in about a year time.  Can mysql handle this?

Yes.  We do more than that volume each month, to mysql.  :)  Rolling tables
monthly is also a good idea, rather than trying to keep it all in one huge

>Won't inserts and updates and selects start getting really slow?  Are there
>any mysql table types I should be using for the radacct table?  Any kinds of
>optimizations I will need to perform?  Any other cool database/mysql tricks
>I could use?

MySQL with Innobase tables.  With innobase tables you get true row-level
locking ( meaning that concurrent inserts from a threaded server won't
block each other ), which is huge step over table-level locking.  Innobase
tables are much much different beast than the standard tables, but that's
probabaly straying off-topic for this list.  :)

Not to be tooting just one DB, postgres is probably worth taking a look
at.  There's a lot of people using it quite successfully.  I don't
have personal experience with that however.

>What are solutions some of you out there haved used to address this
>situation.  I know there has to be others out there with as big or bigger
>accounting tables.
>I'd like to have a solution to this now, rather then wait 6 months after
>deployment and have freeradius grind itself to a halt.

Try mysql.  Try mysql with innobase tables.  Try postgres.  Run the same
benchmark on all of them, see which one performs better.  :)

    \\\|||///  \  Chris Parker    -    Manager, Development Engineering
    \ ~   ~ /   \       WX *is* Wireless!    \   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    | @   @ |    \ \      (847) 963-0116
                   \ Without C we would have 'obol', 'basi', and 'pasal'

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