I am so happy to see that radrelay has been ported over to FreeRADIUS.
This is a great help for managing multiple radius servers with a single
SQL-enabled accounting server.  There is still a weakness though, unless
someone can point out the solution that I'm overlooking.

My primary RADIUS server is attached to the database.  When my SQL server
becomes unavailable, FreeRADIUS shuts itself down and the backup radius
server is left to fend for itself.  In an old patched up version of
Cistron I used to use, if the SQL server would disappear, radiusd would
log the accounting requests and apply them when it came back up.

This is sort of what radrelay does, except as far as I can see, it doesn't
prevent the primary radius server from dying when MySQL goes away.

Before I go off and reinvent the wheel, can anyone tell me if the
functionality we used to use with Cistron either exists within FreeRADIUS,
or is possible with radrelay?

Thank you.

Dan Roberts, Systems Engineer                Voice  800.656.GWIS
GWIS Internet Solutions                      Fax    330.656.5440

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