The default behaviour of the server has been changed with respect to the
handling of user/group switching changes.

Previously, when run in debug mode, the server would not switch to the
user/group specified in the config, but would switch when run in daemon
mode.  This could cause problems with the server at times being able
or unable to write information out to the .log and other files.

The server will now switch to the user/group specified in the config file
regardless of whether it is in debug mode or not.  If no user/group are
specifed, then the server will continue to run with the user/group it was
started under.  The config file by default now has the 'user' and 'group'
options commented out.

If you are running the server as a non-root user please take note of this
change as upgrading may require you to make changes to your config.

This takes effect in the latest CVS builds and will be incorporated into
the next release version.

    \\\|||///  \          StarNet Inc.      \         Chris Parker
    \ ~   ~ /   \       WX *is* Wireless!    \   Director, Engineering
    | @   @ |    \ \      (847) 963-0116
                   \ Wholesale Internet Services -

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