I dont understand actually, if == checks if the a/v is 'equal' then it
must also ensure that it is present.

About := replacing passwords =) I feel like from another planet. It might
only work in a reply item I think. Wouldnt the person authenticate all the
time if it was replacing the a/v pairs in the request?

Anyhow I will change to == just to obey the standarts although I think :=
is working also for me...


On Mon, 9 Dec 2002, Ray a PowerWeb Tech wrote:

> the only thing that seems to give any clue for := vs == is doc/rlm_attr_filter
> [snip]
>      o  The operators used for specifying the attributes are as follows:
>            =    -  NOT ALLOWED.  If used, it becomes "=="
>            :=   -  Set ( used to ensure a specific a/v is present )
>            ==   -  Equal  ( exact )
>            =*   -  Always Equal ( will allow all values for attribute )
>            !*   -  Always Not Equal ( will block all values for attribute )
>            !=   -  Not equal
>            >=   -  Greater than or equal to
>            <=   -  Less than or equal to
>            >    -  Greater than
>            <    -  Less than
>            If you have regular expressions enabled you also have:
>            =~   -  Regular expression equal
>            !~   -  Regular expression not equal
> [/snip]
> so in theory, if these operators are the same everywhere (just an assumption, 
> but i don't feel like digging into the source to find out for sure) then a 
> radcheck with password := 123456 would set the password to 123456 and 
> password == 123456 would see if the password is 123456
> On Monday 09 December 2002 8:03, you wrote:
> > so what would it matter if it is := ?
> > I use that one in my conf files? I checked man 5 users but it is not very
> > clear to me what it means by 'repalaces' etc.
> >
> > Evren

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