
On Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 09:32:11AM +0100, Jaime Crespo wrote:
> Thanks for your answer. Do you know where could I find more
> documentation/info about how that process works?
> I have been looking around the tech docs on:
> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj712081.aspx
> but I could not find anything.
I'd guess it's documented somewhere there but I haven't found that
exact spot yet.
The RDP connection itself seems to be regular but on a different
TCP port. What I'm not sure yet is how the initiation is done.

As I initially thought it's all done with RDP I started the FreeRDP
shadow server for testing and tried to connect with the /shadow:
parameter from a Windows 10. What happened is that mstsc said "The
computer name is invalid" after a while. When doing a TCP dump you will
see that before the RDP itself happens some SMB messages are exchanged
on port 445 (also after the RDP session is torn down).

Best regards,

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