Excuse me, the previous email was not complete.
Although ffmeg is installed, cmake command fails to detect that. Please see 

CMake Warning at cmake/ClangFormat.cmake:14 (message):
  clang-format not found in path! code format target not available.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:55 (include)

-- Git Revision 799685c
-- GCC default symbol visibility: hidden
-- Finding recommended feature libsystemd for systemd journal appender (allows 
to export wLog to systemd journal)
--     Disable feature libsystemd using "-DWITH_LIBSYSTEMD=OFF"
-- Finding recommended feature X11 for X11 (X11 client and server)
--     Disable feature X11 using "-DWITH_X11=OFF"
-- Finding recommended feature Wayland for Wayland (Wayland client)
--     Disable feature Wayland using "-DWITH_WAYLAND=OFF"
-- Finding required feature ZLIB for compression (data compression)
-- Finding required feature OpenSSL for cryptography (encryption, certificate 
validation, hashing functions)
-- Skipping optional feature MbedTLS for cryptography (encryption, certificate 
validation, hashing functions)
--     Enable feature MbedTLS using "-DWITH_MBEDTLS=ON"
-- Skipping optional feature OpenSLES for multimedia (OpenSLES audio / video)
--     Enable feature OpenSLES using "-DWITH_OPENSLES=ON"
-- Finding recommended feature OSS for sound (audio input, audio output and 
multimedia redirection)
--     Disable feature OSS using "-DWITH_OSS=OFF"
-- Found OSS Audio
-- Finding recommended feature ALSA for sound (audio input, audio output and 
multimedia redirection)
--     Disable feature ALSA using "-DWITH_ALSA=OFF"
-- Finding optional feature Pulse for sound (audio input, audio output and 
multimedia redirection)
-- Finding optional feature Cups for printing (printer device redirection)
-- Skipping optional feature PCSC for smart card (smart card device redirection)
--     Enable feature PCSC using "-DWITH_PCSC=ON"
-- Skipping recommended feature FFmpeg for multimedia (multimedia redirection, 
audio and video playback)
-- Skipping optional feature GStreamer_0_10 for multimedia (multimedia 
redirection, audio and video playback, gstreamer 0.10 version)
--     Enable feature GStreamer_0_10 using "-DWITH_GSTREAMER_0_10=ON"
-- Skipping recommended feature GStreamer_1_0 for multimedia (multimedia 
redirection, audio and video playback)
-- Skipping optional feature JPEG for codec (use JPEG library)
--     Enable feature JPEG using "-DWITH_JPEG=ON"
-- Skipping optional feature x264 for codec (use x264 library)
--     Enable feature x264 using "-DWITH_X264=ON"
-- Skipping optional feature OpenH264 for codec (use OpenH264 library)
--     Enable feature OpenH264 using "-DWITH_OPENH264=ON"
-- Finding optional feature GSM for codec (GSM audio codec library)
-- Skipping optional feature LAME for codec (lame MP3 audio codec library)
--     Enable feature LAME using "-DWITH_LAME=ON"
-- Finding optional feature FAAD2 for codec (FAAD2 AAC audio codec library)
-- Finding optional feature FAAC for codec (FAAC AAC audio codec library)
-- Skipping optional feature soxr for codec (SOX audio resample library)
--     Enable feature soxr using "-DWITH_SOXR=ON"
-- Skipping optional feature GSSAPI for auth (add kerberos support)
--     Enable feature GSSAPI using "-DWITH_GSSAPI=ON"
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:882 (message):
  FFMPEG support requested but not detected

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/root/FreeRDP/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "/root/FreeRDP/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".


    On Friday, October 11, 2019, 5:41:06 PM GMT+3:30, Mahmood Naderan 
<nt_mahm...@yahoo.com> wrote:  
 I am using centos 7 and installed "pip3 install meson" to be able to run meson 
command.But make works in openh264/
Is that fine?

Anyway, I installed ninja via yum repositories. Also, I installed ffmpeg 
related packages from nux-dextop repo.
yum install ffmpeg-devel ffmpeg gsm-devel faad2-devel faad2 faac faac-devel 

Please verify that ffmpeg is installed as below
# yum list ffmpeg*
Installed Packages
ffmpeg.x86_64                                          2.8.15-2.el7.nux         
ffmpeg-devel.x86_64                                    2.8.15-2.el7.nux         
ffmpeg-libs.x86_64                                     2.8.15-2.el7.nux         
Available Packages
ffmpeg-compat.x86_64                                   0.6.7-9.el7.nux          
ffmpeg-compat-debuginfo.x86_64                         0.6.7-9.el7.nux          
ffmpeg-compat-devel.x86_64                             0.6.7-9.el7.nux          
ffmpeg-debuginfo.x86_64                                2.8.15-2.el7.nux         
ffmpeg2theora.x86_64                                   0.30-1.el7.nux           
ffmpeg2theora-debuginfo.x86_64                         0.30-1.el7.nux           
ffmpegthumbnailer.x86_64                               2.0.9-1.el7.nux          
ffmpegthumbnailer-debuginfo.x86_64                     2.0.9-1.el7.nux          
ffmpegthumbnailer-devel.x86_64                         2.0.9-1.el7.nux          


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