Dear Freesurfers


I was trying to look at the activation in different cortical layers in a single 

I ran my preproc-sess command three times, once without using -projfrac flag, 
once  -projfrac 0.5 and lastly -projfrac 0.2

The activation patterns are exactly the same.

My voxel sizes are 1.1*1.1*1.1 .

My question is:

1-Is it normal that the activations do not change at all the more I get closer 
to white matter?

2-when I use -projfrac 0.2 , does it mean that I am averaging the activation 
between white matter layer to 0.2 of gray matter layer? Or is it averaging the 
activation between pial surface to 0.2 gray matter?

I hope my questions are clear.



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