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I would like to report a bug in freesurfer-dev. I have encountered this bug in 
a version downloaded on July 11th, 2019, and again in a version downloaded two 
days ago (August 20th). In short, it seems that parameters specified via an 
expert file relevant to T2-assisted pial segmentation, such as -T2_min, are not 
passed to the second call of mris_make_surfaces (the one actually using T2 

In Freesurfer 6.0.0, this is not the case, and the T2_min parameter is indeed 
passed to the second call of mris_make_surfaces (although I note that in 6.0.0, 
when specifying -nsigma_below via the expert file, both the user-specified 
value and the standard value are passed to the second call of 
mris_make_surfaces). See below for more details on the specific freesurfer-dev 


Marco Aqil

Bug description: T2-specific parameters not passed to second call of 
mri_make_surfaces in freesurfer-dev

Call: recon-all autorecon3? -subjid <subject id> -hires -T2pial -parallel 
-openmp 15 -expert <expert file path>

Expert file content: mris_make_surfaces -T2_min 35

>From the recon-all log, the first call of mris_make_surfaces receives the 
>-T2_min parameter:


#@# Make Pial Surf lh Mon Aug 19 13:43:02 CEST 2019

<scripts folder path>

mris_make_surfaces -save-res -save-target -orig_white white.preaparc -orig_pial 
white.preaparc -aseg ../mri/aseg.presurf -mgz -T1 brain.finalsurfs -T2_min 35 
sub-006 lh


However, the second call of mris_make_surfaces, which relies on T2 data to 
refine the pial, does not receive the T2_min parameter, and looks as follows:


#@# Refine Pial Surfs w/ T2/FLAIR Mon Aug 19 14:02:23 CEST 2019
<other T2 pial steps>

mris_make_surfaces -save-res -save-target -orig_white white -orig_pial 
woT2.pial -aseg ../mri/aseg.presurf -nowhite -mgz -T1 brain.finalsurfs -T2 
../mri/T2 -nsigma_above 2 -nsigma_below 5 sub-006 lh


I observed the same behavior when specifying -nsigma_below via the expert file.

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