External Email - Use Caution        

I am trying to make an average subject but when the process reaches 
mris_average_surface it fails as seen below.
My command was as follow:
make_average_subject --out avgsubject --subjects spl_01 spl_02 spl_03 spl_04 
spl_05 spl_06 spl_07 spl_08 spl_09 spl_10
Can you please guide me to solve this issue.



#@# Making average lh.white surface ---------------------
Tue Apr  6 19:23:39 JST 2021
mris_make_average_surface -i 7 -o white -sdir-out 
/Applications/freesurfer/subjects lh white sphere.reg avgsubject spl_01 spl_02 
spl_03 spl_04 spl_05 spl_06 spl_07 spl_08 spl_09 spl_10
reading vertex positions from white...
hemi            = lh
avg_surf_name   = white
canon_surf_name = sphere.reg
out_sname       = avgsubject
xform           = talairach.xfm

Is a directory
Is a directory
ERROR: creating directory /
ERROR: creating directory /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/avgsubject/surf
mris_average_surface failed
ERROR: make_average_surface

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