> How do I paint and view a map I created with another analysis package 
> onto an inflated brain in Freesurfer?
> I've converted my map from it's original format to bfloat format.
> Where do I need to put it in the directory tree, and what commands do I 
> use to view it on a brain I have processed in Freesurfer? I have also 
> generated the register.dat file as well.

You can read a bfloat volume in as an overlay in tksurfer, which can be
loaded from the command line or from within csurf. It doesn't have to be
in any particular directory, but it is easier if you put the register.dat
file in the same directory as the bfloat files. Instructions on how use
overlays can be found in the documentation on the website in the Overlay
section. The documentation may be out of date with the version you have 
but most of the functions are the same.


Kevin Teich

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