Brian, Here you go!


Caller controls are used to modify the state of the conference. It can
be lowering the volume, mute the conference and such.

To force no caller-controls group to be installed for the callers of a
conference, use the built-in reserved group name "none".
To be able to establish an pre-determined outbound call from the
conference, using caller-controls, build a binding as follows;

 <control action="dial" digits="888"
data="sofia/default/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 60 0000000000
FreeSwitch"/> <!-- call the developer conference -->


On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 1:30 PM, Brian West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can you kindly point at the one on the wiki that mentions this?
> /b
> On Oct 5, 2008, at 1:36 AM, Sheeju Alex wrote:
> Anthony, Thanks for your replybut the one mentioned in wiki is wrong?
> ----------
> To be able to establish an pre-determined outbound call from the
> conference, using caller-controls, build a binding as follows;
> <control action="dial" digits="888"
> data="sofia/default/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 60 0000000000
> FreeSwitch"/> <!-- call the developer conference -->
> ----------
> I want to include some extra  actions to be dialed through DTMF, say
> lock, record and dial. This should be possible by adding these actions
> in ccfntbl[] and calling appropriate function right?
> Could you please give me some pointers in modifying mod_conference.c?
> /Sheeju
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