
just to keep you informed about this problem. As mentioned I added a
hack to free allocated channels depending on last event time. I enhanced
oz dump as well to display "last event time" and "InUse"-Flag. What I
found is this:

InUse channel flag wasn't set for inbound calls. I fixed that as far as
I understood the openzap code ;) and I tested the patch successfully for
7 days now...

In my setup (AVAYA as remote end for a E1) channels tend to hang in a
state <> DOWN after terminating a call. Then I found TOMANYCALLS entries
in  FS log. I had to restart FS resp. openzap module.

The hack I added is in production and works for 7 days now. No channels
hanging anymore. Of course, the hack is not the final solution, but it
seems to solve at least my problems in production until openzap has
state timers.

If the board wants, I can upload the hack as well.


On 12.02.2009 14:03, Helmut Kuper wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> at least for incoming calls this shouldn't be too brutal, cause far
> end seems to know that the channel should be free otherwise it never
> would allocate it. By now the hack works at least for me quite good.
> Nobody from AVAYA side moaned about it, yet. But I have to wait one or
> two further days to be sure ...  I guess I have to talk to stkn in irc
> to get an idea how long I have to use it.
> regards
> helmut

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