You missed the point again. But suffer fools to long.

No, I think you missed the point... several times. The point that most of us are trying to make is "if you're not going to help, you have no room to talk". Although, I guess your approach works for you. If you're clearly outwitted, resort to name calling.

I've seen a couple of people, including myself, ask if you've done anything except complain. I have not, however, seen you reply with anything intelligent or any contributions that you have made.

So to try to make the point again. If you're not contributing anything, then leave us all alone. Hopefully, you're not so feeble-minded that you miss it twice in the same email. If you offer up ideas and they are accepted or considered, then you are a contributor. The point at which you offer your ideas and several members of the community, including the most involved, all disagree with you... you become a troll. It would be greatly apprciated by all persons involved if you, and your misguided opinions, would just concede and leave this thread alone.

We now return you to the troll-free "Call For Help"


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