Upgraded from Apr 3 svn to svn 13769.

Calling from openzap to 9999 (music on hold) works.
Calling from openzap to 9995 (5 sec echo test) works.
Calling from openzap to vmail works.

Calling from Grandstream to 9999 (music on hold) works.
Calling from Grandstream to 9995 (5 sec echo test) doesn't work
... call goes through however silence is heard.
Calling from Grandstream to vmail doesn't work ... call goes
through however vmail disconnects apparently due to receiving silence.

Calling from Grandstream to openzap doesn't work ... call goes
through and the Grandstream can hear what is said on the openzap
side, however openzap hears silence from the Grandstream.

Calling from Grandstream to Grandstream doesn't work ... call goes
through however both sides hear silence.

Suggestions on how to proceed?

-- John
|   Feith Systems  |   Voice: 1-215-646-8000  |  Email: j...@feith.com  |
|    John Wehle    |     Fax: 1-215-540-5495  |                         |

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