Please open a jira and attach sip traces of register and phone calls.


On Jun 25, 2009, at 2:36 AM, Peter Olsson wrote:

I’ve been using FS as a gateway to our OCS server for some time. It’s used just for testing, so it’s not really used every day. I don’t know when, but after some trunk update (right now I running r13945) of FS it doesn’t send the SIP traffic using tcp anymore (OCS only accepts tcp or tls).

My configuration is quite easy, I have a sofia gateway configured to OCS, this has the parameter <param name="register-transport" value="tcp"/> set in the config (nothing in the config has changed for ages). Then in the dialplan I use this gateway to connect the calls. When doing a siptrace I can see that the headers has transport=tcp set correctly, but according to the trace it’s sent using udp instead of tcp.

Has something changed so I need to configure it in another way, or is it just simply a bug? I just wanted to check this before issuing a jira case and providing more specific information and debug traces etc.

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