Still stumped on trying to write a streamlined pocketsphinx speech recognition. I went through and I think I pulled out the necessary pieces, but the speech event is not being fired. I get dtmf events if I push a key, but not speech. I must be missing a piece, but I have stared at until I can't see straight. Here is my code:

   function onInput(s, type, inputEvent, _this) {
                console_log("debug", "EVENT:" + type + "\n");     


        var blankobj = new Object();
        var rv;
        var hit;
        var dup;
        var grammar_name="pizza_yesno";
        var collected_index=0;
        var req=1;
        var obj_path="result";
        var halt=true;
        var min_score=20;
        var confirm_score=10;
        console_log('INFO', "Setting grammar\n");
        session.execute("detect_speech", "nogrammar " + grammar_name);
        session.execute("detect_speech", "pocketsphinx " + grammar_name);
        session.execute("detect_speech", "resume");
        console_log('INFO', "entering while loop\n");
        session.streamFile( "audiofile.wav", onInput, "blankobj") ;
        while(session.ready() && collected_index < req) {
                var x;
                if (!rv) {
                        rv = session.collectInput(onInput, "blankobj", 500);
                        if (rv && !rv[0]) {
                                rv = false;
                if (!rv) {
                        session.execute("detect_speech", "resume");
                        rv = session.collectInput(onInput, "blankobj", 5000);
                hit = false;
                if (rv) {
                        var items = rv;
                        rv = undefined;
                        for (y = 0; y < items.length; y++) {
                                console_log("debug", "---- "+items[y]+"\n");
                if (!rv) {
                        rv = session.collectInput(onInput, "blankobj", 1000);


And here is some of the output from the console:

2009-07-29 16:10:09 [INFO] stest-examp.js:1 console_log() Setting grammar EXECUTE sofia/internal/+...@ detect_speech(nogrammar pizza_yesno) EXECUTE sofia/internal/+...@ detect_speech(pocketsphinx pizza_yesno)
EXECUTE sofia/internal/+...@ detect_speech(resume)
2009-07-29 16:10:09 [INFO] stest-examp.js:1 console_log() entering while loop 2009-07-29 16:10:09 [DEBUG] switch_ivr_play_say.c:1084 switch_ivr_play_file() Codec Activated l...@8000hz 1 channels 20ms 2009-07-29 16:10:09 [DEBUG] switch_core_io.c:649 switch_core_session_write_frame() sofia/internal/+...@ receive message [TRANSCODING_NECESSARY] 2009-07-29 16:10:09 [DEBUG] sofia.c:2979 sofia_handle_sip_i_state() Channel sofia/internal/+...@ entering state [ready][200] 2009-07-29 16:10:12 [DEBUG] switch_ivr_play_say.c:1379 switch_ivr_play_file() done playing file
EXECUTE sofia/internal/+...@ detect_speech(resume)
2009-07-29 16:10:16 [DEBUG] switch_rtp.c:1876 switch_rtp_dequeue_dtmf() RTP RECV DTMF 5:2440
2009-07-29 16:10:16 [DEBUG] stest-examp.js:45 console_log() EVENT:dtmf
EXECUTE sofia/internal/+...@ detect_speech(resume)
EXECUTE sofia/internal/+...@ detect_speech(resume)
2009-07-29 16:10:27 [DEBUG] switch_rtp.c:1876 switch_rtp_dequeue_dtmf() RTP RECV DTMF 5:2320
2009-07-29 16:10:27 [DEBUG] stest-examp.js:45 console_log() EVENT:dtmf


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