On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 08:38:41AM -0600, Mark Sobkow wrote:
> I still need to stuff the Freeswitch PID into global storage somewhere 
> so the process that's handling the configuration requests can send the 
> reply without crashing (it's just getting a node id, not a Pid), but I 
> seem to be on my way to configuring Freeswitch via ERLang.
Looking at your code, assuming I read it right, you should be able to
just replace:

FreeSWITCHNode ! SomeMsg.


{api, FreeSWITCHNode} ! SomeMsg.

The freeswitch module doesn't really have a pid, since it's not a real
erlang node, it's all faked and all messages to a pid or a registered
process on the C node go to the same place.


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