Use mod limit to do this.  You can choose to use it in count only mode
if you want (no limit).

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 11:05 AM, DJB <> wrote:
> I am also curious whether you can recommend how I can get the info if I want 
> to see concurrent calls by account code.  Let's say if I am running FS as SBC 
> and I want to monitor concurrent calls per customer.  I've looked at the 
> HEARTBEAT, but it only gives me overall session-count.
> How safe is it if I have a cron job running every 5 minutes, and get the data 
> from core.db in the calls tables.  For instance, if I issue the following 
> query:
> select count(*) from calls where substr(callee_chan_name,27,15)='$gw_ip_addr';
> I don't want to query directly from core.db, so it would be great if I can 
> use something from event socket to monitor per customer (account code) or ip 
> address.
> Thank you.
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