I would be curious what the same tests produce with svn trunk of FreeSWITCH.


On Dec 16, 2009, at 4:49 PM, Brian wrote:

> Hi,
> I’m new to FreeSWITCH and I’m testing the scalability of mod_conference to 
> see if it will scale better that other solutions. My scenario is to have one 
> speaker, and many listeners (mute). Since I have only one speaker, I was 
> expecting this to scale well because there is no audio mixing required, just 
> send each frame of the single speaker to each listener. Unfortunately, my 
> testing was disappointing, and it didn’t scale nearly as well as I’d hoped 
> (based on what I’ve read on how FreeSWITCH is supposed to be generally very 
> scalable).
> Here’s my server setup is this:
> FreeSWITCH 1.0.4, 64 bit CentOS 5.3, on a quad-core Xeon server, 4 Gig of 
> RAM. I’ve set file logging to “notice” level. My conference profile is 
> configured to suppress several events, hoping that it would improve 
> performance.
> Here are a few scenarios I tested, and roughly where I reached the point of 
> audio failure on the conferences:
> Scenario 1:
> 1 conference, 1 speaker, audio failed at approx 300 listeners (mute)
> Scenario 2:
> 4 conferences, 1 speaker per conference, audio failed approx 110 listeners 
> per conference (so just over 400 total channels on the system).
> Scenario 3:
> 16 conferences, 1 speaker per conference, audio failed at 32 listeners per 
> conference (so just over 500 total channels on the system).
> Looking at the output from “top”, it seems that in all 3 scenarios, the audio 
> quality failed when the % CPU for the FreeSWITCH process exceeded 300%.
> I was hoping maybe someone else might have done similar testing, or maybe has 
> suggestions on how to improve the performance. Or perhaps an alternate 
> solution to the one speaker, many listener case?
> Thanks,
> Brian.
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