Hi all and merry holiday, I have encounter fs core dump many times when I
exit fs_cli, I'm using the fs 1.0.5pre9.
I can reproduce this fault by follow steps
1.launch fs with console
2.press ctrl+z to ext from fs console
3.run fs_cli (from local)
4.press ctrl+z to exit fs_cli (or type /bye)
5.fs core dump.

This fault is not reproduced every times, but quite frequent. does some have
encountered the same problem or have any idea about it?
Any suggestion is appreciated!

====here is the back traces in gdb
#0  0x02a6593c in ?? ()
(gdb) where
#0  0x02a6593c in ?? ()
#1  <signal handler called>
#2  0x0028a410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#3  0x0075870b in write () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#4  0x0035451a in apr_socket_send (sock=0x85a12f8,
    buf=0x10ab2fb "Disconnected, goodbye.\nSee you at ClueCon!
http://www.cluecon.com/\n";, len=0x10aaa78)
    at network_io/unix/sendrecv.c:41
#5  0x002b8d11 in switch_socket_send (sock=0x85a12f8,
    buf=0x10ab2fb "Disconnected, goodbye.\nSee you at ClueCon!
http://www.cluecon.com/\n";, len=0x10ab368) at src/switch_apr.c:697
#6  0x0011a3b2 in listener_run (thread=0xb6d9bbf8, obj=0x85a1490)
#7  0x003564f6 in dummy_worker (opaque=0xb6d9bbf8) at

====another back trace
(gdb) where
#0  0x075e893c in ?? ()
#1  <signal handler called>
#2  0x002ae410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#3  0x0075870b in write () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#4  0x001d951a in apr_socket_send (sock=0x92f8650,
    buf=0xe9f2fb "Disconnected, goodbye.\nSee you at ClueCon!
http://www.cluecon.com/\n";, len=0xe9ea78)
    at network_io/unix/sendrecv.c:41
#5  0x0013dd11 in switch_socket_send (sock=0x92f8650,
    buf=0xe9f2fb "Disconnected, goodbye.\nSee you at ClueCon!
http://www.cluecon.com/\n";, len=0xe9f368) at src/switch_apr.c:697
#6  0x005473b2 in listener_run (thread=0xb6dfebf8, obj=0x92f87e8)
#7  0x001db4f6 in dummy_worker (opaque=0xb6dfebf8) at
#8  0x007515ab in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#9  0x006a7cfe in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6

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