Mooneer,  talking about do-all "universal" voice mode-

something I'd like would be a hierarchical modem and codec combo

A codec+modem combo that could provide great sounding speed when the signal was up a few dB, and bare minimum gradually below that.

I did some work with hierarchical modem modes many years ago. originally QPSK constellations  on the points of a BPSK symbol to add two extra bits per symbol.  Later work was using LDC codes to decode at negative SNR UNDER another positive SNR mode. (after subtraction its not so bad).

On the codec side I was using the highest bit rate codec2 and throwing away bits and temporal resolution of the pitching from my very basic work seemed to be the best way forward on this (I did some work on this on codec2 years ago) .

700 modem didnt exist at that time.

anyway, my 2c -glen

On 24/11/2023 9:57 am, Mooneer Salem wrote:
Hi Kurt,

Adding onto what Mel mentioned, FreeDV has been around since the early 2010s but during that time, more and more FreeDV modes have been added as well as the SM1000 and the ezDV device (both of which were at the FreeDV booth at Pacificon). That may be part of the reason for the confusion.

Longer term, we hope to eventually replace the multiple FreeDV modes that exist today with a single "universal" mode, which will help reduce confusion and improve ease of use (no need to figure out the best mode to TX in). If you have codec or DSP experience, you can take a look at the GitHub issues at to see if you're interested in working on some of the stuff required to make this happen.

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