Dear Sir,

On Mon, 28 May 2007 17:41:15 +0530
"Rahul Bhalerao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have been trying to device a module for Indic hinting in FT2.
>The current default script module used by FT2 is latin which is not suitable
>for indic text and affects the display significantly.
>I found out that CJK module is much suitable for Indic text and it renders
>quality display even at small sizes.

I appreciate quite interesting report!

>To illustrate the above findings, attached is the screenshot showing three
>different cases of hinted Indic text:
>1. hinted indic text using latin module since default script is latin
>2. hinted indic text using cjk based indic module and default script as
>3. hinted indic text using cjk based indic module and default script as

Taking a glance on the pictures, the significant difference
is found in hangling baseline. By latin module, the position
of baseline is varied. By CJK/Indic module, the position is
almost constant. If you have more characteristic difference
to be focused, please let me know. I guess CJK/Indic module
can tune the hanging baseline in Bengali, Gurumkhi and Tibetan
scripts well.

Although hanging baseline is important feature for Indic script,
some Indic scripts have no hanging baseline. Oriya, Telugu
and Kannada scripts have some marks to be aligned, so CJK/Indic
module might be better, I guess. But I cannot guess about
Gujarati, Tamil, Malayalam, Sinhala (and South-East-Asian) scripts.


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