> This is NOT a recent regression and should not hold 2.4.6.
> But why is the attached so ugly?

A very good question!  Fortunately, you shouldn't see this in real
life if applications properly follow the data in the `gasp' table.

> ftview 4 /usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf
> and toggle 'h' a couple of times. Make sure that you play at size 4.
> This is DejaVu 2.33.

I've tested with version 2.25, and I can get the erratic behaviour
even without pressing a key by using

  ftview -f 3978 4 DejaVuSans.ttf

(glyph index 3978 corresponds to glyph `uni277C') but not with

  ftview -f 3979 4 DejaVuSans.ttf

It seems that the execution of this glyph's bytecode at that size
somehow influences rendering of other glyphs, but I have no idea how
this is possible at all.  Valgrind shows nothing, BTW.

This needs a detailed investigation, single stepping through the
bytecode with the C debugger, and I don't have enough time currently
to that.

Please file a bug report.  Thanks for bringing this weird behaviour to
our attention.


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