Hi Marcano,

Please describe the commands that you've executed, and what errors you've got.


VMarcano wrote:
> Hi, everybody.
> I am trying to use freetype2 libraru in Cygwin. I downloaded
> freetype-2.4.9.tar.bz2 and extracted its contents to a folder in my machine
> (under /usr branch), but when I try to install it, a message appears on the
> screen, indicating that "config.mk" cannot be found, and installation is
> aborted. 
> I tried "find /usr -iname config.mk", but no findinjs were reported.
> Could any of you help me, please?
> Regards,
> Marcano
> P.D.: I have not too mucuch experoece in unix-like environment, but I have
> installed and used other libraries, like OpenCV, SDL and OpenGL, un the same
> Cygwin platform, successfully.

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