
> I can work on Linux and Mac OS systems.  Is there an Xcode project for
> FreeType, or is it basically still configure driven?

Yes, still configure driven. I've ever written a howto document
to build FreeType2 by Xcode.


Because there are some limitations in building by Xcode, and,
I'm not sure whether Xcode project file is stable, I hesitate
to propose the inclusion of Xcode project file into FreeType2


Tom Kacvinsky wrote:
> Howdy all!
> I know I said a while ago that I was back to FreeType development, but then
> I dropped it.  This time I think it is going to stick.  I need to get into
> font programming again.  I've been working on finite element analysis
> software for the last eight years as a build support specialist, touching
> on Perl, Python, C, C++, assembly, Fortran, custom XML based build tools,
> math libraries, some code architecture, etc...  But it's just not the same
> as fonts and straight up C programming.
> I can work on Linux and Mac OS systems.  Is there an Xcode project for
> FreeType, or is it basically still configure driven?
> I look forward to contributing again.  I don't know if there is any font
> parsing work that needs to be done.  That's what I did before, perhaps I
> can get back into that...
> Tom
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