> You may try to change precision from .2f to print more digits
> after the point (probably just completely remove the limit).

Yes, it helps. The new code is more accurate too. I've added the third
outline for which I know the exact answer. It should be precisely [0
100 128 175].

outlline #1
time =  0.13 cbox = [-37.8765 535.3164 455.8887 786.2207]
cbox_hex =  [FFDA1F9E 021750FF 01C7E381 0312387F]
time =  7.33 bbox = [115.6225 535.3164 412.0791 672.2493]
bbox_hex =  [00739F5D 021750FF 019C143F 02A03FD5]
outline #2
time =  0.13 cbox = [100.0000 100.0000 200.0000 200.0000]
cbox_hex =  [00640000 00640000 00C80000 00C80000]
time =  3.29 bbox = [100.0000 100.0000 200.0000 179.7409]
bbox_hex =  [00640000 00640000 00C80000 00B3BDAC]
outline #3
time =  0.13 cbox = [  0.0000 100.0000 200.0000 200.0000]
cbox_hex =  [00000000 00640000 00C80000 00C80000]
time =  4.53 bbox = [  0.0000 100.0000 128.0014 175.0000]
bbox_hex =  [00000000 00640000 0080005C 00AF0000]

outline #1
time =  0.13 cbox = [-37.8765 535.3164 455.8887 786.2207]
cbox_hex =  [FFDA1F9E 021750FF 01C7E381 0312387F]
time =  3.14 bbox = [115.6245 535.3164 412.0818 672.2506]
bbox_hex =  [00739FDF 021750FF 019C14EE 02A04028]
outline #2
time =  0.14 cbox = [100.0000 100.0000 200.0000 200.0000]
cbox_hex =  [00640000 00640000 00C80000 00C80000]
time =  1.44 bbox = [100.0000 100.0000 200.0000 179.7404]
bbox_hex =  [00640000 00640000 00C80000 00B3BD88]
outline #3
time =  0.14 cbox = [  0.0000 100.0000 200.0000 200.0000]
cbox_hex =  [00000000 00640000 00C80000 00C80000]
time =  1.54 bbox = [  0.0000 100.0000 128.0000 175.0000]
bbox_hex =  [00000000 00640000 007FFFFE 00AF0000]

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