I'm now leaving the FreeType development mailing list. My product, CartoType, still relies on FreeType for its typography and will always do so, but I can no longer keep up with the discussions and new versions; I haven't got time, and I haven't contributed any changes or suggestions for a long while. I have been using FreeType since about 1998, when I was working for Symbian Ltd., and my claim to fame (well, not fame exactly, but a very small part of history) is that I introduced scalable vector fonts to two operating systems, Symbian and Blackberry OS, both sadly no longer with us, and used FreeType to achieve that.

Thanks to David Turner and Werner Lemberg and everyone else for creating and improving FreeType over so many years.

Best wishes,


Graham Asher
founder and CTO
CartoType Ltd
+44 (0) 7718 895191
Freetype-devel mailing list

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