Hi Werner,

I have understood all of three tasks quite clearly. Except the following

(1) Provide one or more API functions in FreeType that set up hooks
>     (i.e., function pointers) for calling SVG routines.

I think, whenever people use the term "API functions" in the context of a
library codebase,
they are referring to functions which the library exposes to the world
(code which is using the library), the "public" functions. Am I correct?
Is this what you mean here too?

My understanding so far is, this "one or more API Function", for simplicity
assume just one function, will return some sort of data structure
containing a list of function pointers? A list of function pointers
pointing to the implementation of SVG routines? And FreeType will just call
these functions whenever it needs to. This list of function pointers will
point to different implementations for each SVG library right? Is my
understanding correct? Please let me know.

Thank you,

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