> > I think we do want a 8bit representation at least, and possible a
> > higher one.
> Currently I am using 32bit floats, but since freetype doesn't use
> floats I am thinking of using 32bit 16.16 fixed point instead.

I think this is the right choice for intermediate computations.
Alexei gave some hints how to use 16.16 stuff.

> The problem with 16.16 is that most of the bits in the integer part
> will not be used because I am normalizing the values between [-1.0,
> 1.0] before outputting the data.

This doesn't cause any problems.

> The whole fixed point thing is pretty new to me, so any suggestions
> will be greatly helpful.

The only remaining question is how to represent the final output data.
8bit?  16bit?


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