> However, we need something like this as a post-commit action, right?


The CI executes automatically on each commit to `master`.

The job name "pages" is special in that it makes gitlab to treat our repo
as a website and deploy it after the build.

If you want, we can also extend this in the future to make creating a new
release of FreeType as simple as pressing a button.

It's pretty cool stuff😁.


On Thu, 28 Oct, 2021, 10:16 PM Werner LEMBERG, <w...@gnu.org> wrote:

> > I would like to request the maintainers to clear any config left on
> > the previous hosting platform/any shell scripts used to manage the
> > website, since it's all managed by gitlab pages now.
> I have just disabled the cron script (to be exececuted every ten
> minutes) on my freedesktop.org account that updated the web pages:
>   date >> /home/wl/crontab.log
>   (cd /home/wl/freetype-web
>    git pull >> /home/wl/crontab.log 2>&1)
>   rsync --recursive \
>         --links \
>         --exclude ".git" \
>         --delete \
>         --delete-excluded \
>         /home/wl/freetype-web/ \
>         /srv/freetype.freedesktop.org/www \
>         >> /home/wl/crontab.log 2>&1
> However, we need something like this as a post-commit action, right?
>     Werner

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