Hello Moazin,

just now I've pushed new branches to the FreeType and FreeType Demo
repositories with my changes.


While the library stuff is thoroughly checked and modified[*], the
demo stuff is not yet; to the latter code I've only applied the
necessary fixes to make it compile.

The reason why I've stopped is that I wasn't able to render this SVG


Funnily, it was the first SVG that I downloaded, and I was quite
surprised to see no SVG rendering at all :-)

AFAICS, the error 'Unimplemented Feature' is returned in line 502 of
file `afloader.c`.  Please check.  It doesn't make any sense for SVG
glyphs to run the auto-hinter.


[*] I did `git rebase -i HEAD^^^^^`, then walking over the code commit
    by commit, adding my changes with `git commit --amend`.  If I
    found new things I did rebasing again so that the changes get
    added to the right commit.

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