Indeed! RustType looks like a good candidate for evaluation.  It also appears 
to be using a different algorithm for rasterization, I'll read more about it.


On 13-Apr-2022 12:18 AM, Bermler <> wrote:
rustType might be a good place to look at as well

On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 12:20 PM, Anurag Thakur 

Hello everyone!

I am Anurag Thakur, a first-year undergraduate student pursuing Computer 

I am interested in contributing to the project “Integrate FreeType with 
alternative rendering engines” as part of GSOC 2022 and have been learning 
about it for some time.

Reading through the mailing list discussions and building on the work of other 
contributors, I have been successful in creating prototype renderer module for 
FreeType that

is based on the font-rs rasteriser. The renderer module is written in C and is 
very barebones at the moment, since I wanted to discuss with the community and 
wait for an official approval for

my proposal before investing too much effort in any particular direction.

Since the parsing improvements of font-rs don’t completely apply to FreeType 
due to the requirement of hinting etc., I have been focusing on the rasteriser 
improvements, i.e., a dense data structure

for storing the accumulation buffer, that is better suited for SIMD.

Having briefly studied the renderers mentioned at FreeType’s GSOC page, I 
believe the best course of action would be to first properly integrate a 
font-rs based renderer in FreeType

and then working on optimizing the implementation by studying the code of 
font-go and fontdue.

I am currently studying the code of Fontdue and since it started as a fork of 
font-rs I hope integration will not be too tough.

Pathfinder seems to be very different from the other renderers, I need to study 
more about it, and will try to determine the best way to integrate it with 

I am also working on a way to properly benchmark the different implementations 
and would appreciate any pointers regarding it.

I would be grateful if the community could point me towards other 
font-rendering implementations that could be of interest to FreeType. Any 
research project or prototype that

can bring performance improvements is welcome.

Any other insights or guidance regarding this project would be greatly 

I have submitted my draft proposal to the GSOC website, and humbly request the 
mentors to take a look at it and provide feedback.



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