
> -----Message d'origine-----
> Hello,
> I'm not sure that this is the proper place to ask but I do it
> anyway as
> I desparately need some help. I'm trying to compile and test Freetype
> on a embedded system, an ARM-processor running ThreadX but my problem
> is on the compile-stage. My dev-box is running a cygwin-based
> shell and
> after some problems I succeded (with the help of this great "story"
> http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=277879 )
> compiling freetype2 by first making a file named 'lib' in the
> freetype-
> dir containing:
> #!/bin/sh
> builds/unix/libtool --mode=finish $@

That's very strange, because I can't reproduce the problem with Cygwin.
The fact that the build system invokes "lib /OUT:xxxx" means that it is
confused and believes it's building a library with a Win32 compiler, not
a Unix one.

Could you describe your Cygwin setup, are you using bash, etc.... ?

> After making that one I call 'sh configure' and compile with 'make'.
> This gives me a nice libfreetype in my objs/.libs/ directory.
> I also change the neccisary changes in the makefile and the resulting
> call to gcc is (I sorted out some other includes to other libs that I
> have succeded to include before adding freetype):
> This returns the following error:
> ./objs/root.o(.text+0x14c): In function `applicationStart':
> /src/apps/testfont/32b/../root.c:199: undefined reference to
> `FT_Init_FreeType' make: *** [image.elf] Error 1

this is a link error. The linker couldn't find any object file
that contained a function named "FT_Init_FreeType". This could
come from various problems:

  - bad linker arguments, for example placing the libfreetype.a
    _before_ the object files that need it on the command line,
    instead of _after_ them.

    (this is a really frustrating limitation of GNU ld)

    unlikely from the detailed command you gave us

  - the 'libfreetype.a' doesn't include the FT_Init_FreeType
    function. For example, because the "ftinit" module wasn't
    compiled in.

    check with the 'nm' program to ensure it is there.

Hope this helps,

- David Turner
- The FreeType Project  (www.freetype.org)
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