Helo Steve,

On Wed, 20 Sep 2006 12:36:52 -0700, "Steve Hales" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> In my prototype I've just called FT_New_Face() pointing to the same file,
> but I've then done a FT_Set_Char_Size() operation on it, then FT_Load is
> done on the resulting object.

If you only use FTC_Manager_LookupFace (i.e. not FTC_Manager_LookupSize),
and if you always use FT_Set_Char_Size on a FT_Face returned by the cache
manager, your program will be correct.

However, I'd recommend using FTC_Manager_LookupSize instead, since this
will avoid you calling FT_Set_Char_Size which can be relatively slow in
certain cases (e.g. with the bytecode interpreter enabled)
> If I use FTC_Manager_LookupSize() and I use the size->face object, is
> this different for each size requested?
yes, since the cache should hold no more than a single FT_Face object for
a given FTC_FaceID value. However keep in mind that these objects might be
purged from the cache on your next call to a cache function.

Hope this helps,

> Great font engine, BTW.
> Steve
> --
> aim : heyigor
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