When i am using *arial.ttf regular* file as input to convert the given
string.But i am not seeing them arranged in same line.
How to calculate baseline and how to show the images accordingly.
The following bitmap is for  "alpk"


Here is the bitmap for "alp"


In the first image glyph "a" is shown only half."l" is very down.
I calculated using cbox for the above string,
bbox = [1 1 9 9] for glyph "a"
bbox = [9 1 12 12] for glyph "l"
bbox = [12 -2 20 9] for glyph "p"

I observed,though ymin is 1 for both characters "a and l" don't know why a
is very up than "l".

Could anyone please help me how can handle to display char..Could these bbox
measurements be helpful?Any examples?

Thanks so much...
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