
On 5/11/10, Victor <> wrote:
> Hello!
> I apologize in advance if this is not the place to ask this question, but
> freetype doesn't seem to have a forum anywhere, so...
> I have recently come across a great article about font rendering,
> It basically states (and very convincingly illustrates) that the secret to
> very good font rendering is to use only vertical pixel alignment, which I
> take means to apply hinting only vertically. Horizontally, the article
> suggests to use subpixel rendering -- that would mean very good scalability
> and shapes. I have tried many configurations in an attempt to produce the
> same result (
> a handcrafted example of what that would achieve), but horizontal
> pixel
> alignment seems to kick in even when disabling hinting completely. This is
> evidenced by characters having the same width with diffrent sizes. For
> example, if you scale the line lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, its length
> will increase unevenly: at first it would change very little and then
> suddenly make a great leap. Either that, or that line would seem to have
> unevenly distributed spaces between the characters.
> I'm wondering if I just can't figure out how to configure it all correctly,
> or if the pixel alignment is built in without the ability to turn it off
> somehow. Or if maybe it's the creators of web browsers, office suites or
> desktops environments don't know how to achieve such an effect.
> So, let me reiterate my main inquiry: is it possible (with freetype) to use
> vertical hinting and pixel alignment only, leaving subpixel rendering to
> take care of the horizontal aspect?

With regard to pixel alignment, it is certainly possible to render
glyphs with a fractional offset with Freetype. This is set with
the vector argument to FT_Set_Transform(). Sadly most UI
toolkits and all web browsers that I have seen make the assumption
that all fonts will be hinted horizontally and as such only calculate
the glyph metrics and positioning using integers.


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