
On Fri, 26 Nov 2010 16:49:27 +0530
Manoj Kumar Bhatta <mkbha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I have used freetype 2.3.9 to display Indic/arabic language using gtk.
>It displays correctly with its contextual interpretation.
>But when I changed to freetype-2.3.10, I can see only original form of
>each glyph, thus without any contextual
>My environment is DirectFB/GTK.
>Can anyone suggest what can be the issue ?

Umm, it's not easy for me to setup DirectFB/GTK environment
soon, so please let me know more detail about your trouble.

1) how many prebuilt libraries in your DirectFB/GTK?
   a) all are prebuilt by external developer (e.g. some Linux distributors)
   b) all, except of freetype-2.3.10
   c) all, except of previous freetype-2.3.9 & current 2.3.10.
   d) other combinations

2) how did you update freetype?
   a) by package manager (apt-get, yum, etc etc), updated unexpectedly
   b) by package manager, manually specified
   c) manually installation (e.g. ./configure && make && make install)
   d) other

As far as I know, the text layout engine in GTK (Pango/
HarfBuzz) does not rely any functionalities of FreeType2
for Arabic/Indic text layout, it invokes FreeType2 to
translate from Unicode to glyph index, and load a glyph
data by glyph index. If these 2 functionalities are broken,
I guess, the component glyphs would be wrong already
(not contextual layout error). If you can make some
screenshots, it's appreciated.


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